Low back pain

Do you wake up in the morning with pain in your back? 
Do you struggle to bend over and put your socks on? 
Do you experience back pain after sitting at a desk for long periods of time? 
 Have you had to put off the things you enjoy doing due to your back pain? 

Are you tired of feeling this way? 
Would you like to have a spine that moves more freely?
Would you like to have improved function and capacity for movement?
Would you like to feel better?

If you have answered yes to the above, then I can help!

Let me explain how:
My advanced qualifications enable me to be able to perform targeted physical assessments, designed to test your pelvic and spine mobility and function. Along with assessments of your body's other joints, such as your shoulder, knees and ankles, to determine other contributing factors that may be adding to your low back pain. 
The results from these physical assessments, along with your individual goals, will then be used to design you an individual program of active therapy, that will help you to improve your ability to move more freely & increase your capacity for movement and mobility. Plus, help you to understand the nature of persistent pain and methods to manage this. 

Lower back pain management

I do understand and empathise, having experienced persistent back pain myself, that when you are suffering from this, the last thing you may feel like doing is moving. Low back pain can cause limitations in the ability to perform daily living activities, can limit social interactions, & the thought of exercising when you are suffering with persistent back pain is likely to be the last thing on your mind. Yet studies prove and support that regular movement and physical activity is one of the best methods to help reduce the pain you feel.

Physical activity increases the production of anti inflammatory cytokines (regulators of inflammation and trauma, promote healing) and produces endorphins which provide natural pain relief, plus you get all the other benefits regular exercise can provide.

Low Back Pain Rehabilitation Sessions

Individual, low back pain rehab sessions are held in the private training studio and are designed to help you:

  • Restore healthy body mechanics so you can move your spine with ease
  • Address contributing factors such as posture, altered body mechanics and possible muscle imbalances
  • Learn about persistent pain, its complex nature and methods to help manage this
  • Improve your joint mobility and function
  • Learn and utilise strengthening exercises to help you perform activities of daily living
  • Move more freely

If you are looking to help relieve, reduce and retrain your persistent pain response and get back to doing the things you once enjoyed, then these sessions are for you.

If you are interested and want to start your journey to change your experience of back pain for the better, to get moving more freely & performing more like your former self, book in for a consultation with myself and we can get you started on your path to moving, functioning and feeling better.
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